Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

JA Sports Coaching privacy policy makes you aware of exactly how information collected when using our website is used and protected. We are devoted to ensuring that your data is treated in accordance with this policy, which has the safeguarding of your privacy at the heart of its priorities. Your information will only be used in ways disclosed in this policy, and in accordance with your rights under the law.

This policy aims to explain the following:

·     What data we store

·     The measures in place to protect it

·     Your rights

·     How we use your personal information

·     Under what circumstances it will be shared or deleted

This policy is subject to change and we advise that you regularly familiarise yourself with the way that data is being used, so that you can rest assured when you are providing personal information, that it will be protected. On the first use of our booking system, you effectively accept the conditions of this privacy policy.

This policy applies when we act as a data controller, determining the processing of personal data collected on the booking system. The booking system is run by ClassForKids, but JA Sports Coaching has this particular privacy policy in place, as we have access to the information put on this booking system. This policy covers the ways in which your information entered into this booking system is used and stored.

GDPR dictates that personal data is ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference an identifier.’

GDPR also dictates that you have the following rights with regard to this information:

·     You have the right to ask about the collection of your personal information.

·     Access to the data that we store from your information.

·     To make us aware and correct any incorrect information.

·     To ask us to wipe your data.

·     To amend or restrict the processing of your data

·     To data portability, meaning we can transfer a copy of your data which you can easily use elsewhere

·     To exercise rights in automated decision-making

If you are unhappy with the way that your personal data is being used, you have the right to contact us.

Any personal information kept by us will be protected and remain secure. Your personal information is protected under the GDPR and only stored within the European Economic Area (EEA), which is held to the same standards as the GDPR. (GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation ((EU 2016/679)).

We take the following steps to ensure that your data is safeguarded:

·     Personal data is handled with care and not shared between staff.

·     If displayed on a computer screen, it will not be left unattended, or the computer will be locked before doing so.

·     No data will be transferred between staff members without authorisation.

·     Personal data will only be transmitted over secure networks.

·     Information sent in the body of an email will be transferred and stored appropriately and safely, before deleting the email and any temporary communication.

·     We ensure all passwords are effectively managed to ensure the best security possible.

Your information will be safeguarded and only shared in specific eventualities:

·     If we have a safeguarding concern

·     A law enforcement or government body requires us to

The data we hold will only be used to ensure that appropriate support and care is being provided for your child, that we are carrying out our services to the best of our ability and maintain effective communication with parents. The legality of processing this information relates to our commitment to ensuring that we provide the services we promise to you whilst safeguarding the children, as well as the proper administration of our bookings.

What data do we collect?

·     Child’s name

·     Child’s age

·     Emergency contact

·     Photo consent

·     Booking records

·     Communication records

·     Email

·     Address

We will store your contact details, which will be used to contact you regarding your child, our clubs and other relevant information including the payment of fees. We may contact you through telephone, email, text and social media.

This data is also necessary to upkeep your account on the booking system and enter into a contract with you. The data stored on the booking system may be used in analysis of their website, to tailor the experience to you and gather feedback in order to improve user experience. Third parties which appear on the booking system may use cookies, but please note this is not included in our privacy policy as we do not share the information they collect. We suggest you read the privacy policies of such third parties.

If you wish to have a copy of the personal information we hold on your account, you may make a written request (email) for a ‘subject access request.’ We will then aim to provide you with a copy within 28 days.